Your Network Perfectionist
IP Network / Application
Firewall and Security Testing: IXIA IxLoad

IxLoad-Attack tests network security appliances – determining that they effectively and accurately block attacks while delivering high end-user quality of experience for mission-critical applications.
IxLoad-Attack tests a wide range of network security appliances for both wired and wireless networks:
• Next generation firewalls,
• Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS),
• Anti-virus, anti-spam and URL filters, and
• VPN gateways
IxLoad-Attack delivers the security testing depth and scale needed to satisfy both device validation and continuous protection of cloud infrastructures as well as enterprise, government, and service provider networks. IxLoad-Attack is the only product that provides malicious traffic over both encrypted and non-encrypted links. IxLoad-Attack runs in parallel with all other IxLoad functions. Customized, real-world network traffic provides the "good" reference traffic that security devices must forward without affecting customer quality of experience (QoE).
Many security devices require frequent software updates to provide up-to-date protection. To keep pace with current threats IxLoad-Attack includes a bi-weekly update service.
Key Features:
• 6,000 unique live security attacks, the most comprehensive solution targeting known
• Automatic updates via a subscription service
• Multiple evasion techniques allow millions of attack permutations
• Comprehensive coverage for published Microsoft™ vulnerabilities
• Line-rate distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks over 1GE, 10 GE, and 40 GE interfaces
• Converged real-world application traffic mix with fully stateful voice, data and video
• Mix of legitimate and malicious traffic on the same ports
• Evaluation of security effectiveness, detection accuracy, performance benchmarking, and
service availability
• Backed by security research from two industry pioneers keeping IxLoad-Attack updated
• Delivery of attacks over IPsec tunnels for security and performance testing of VPNs and LTE
security gateways
• Wireless attack delivery via generic tunneling protocol (GTP)