Your Network Perfectionist
Optical Fiber

CD/PMD analysis
Chromatic dispersion (CD) and polarization mode dispersion (PMD) hamper transmission in high-speed networks. These speed-limiting phenomena threaten the integrity of the signal starting at 10 Gbit/s, which in turn affects the quality of service.
EXFO: PMD and CD Test Leader
EXFO is the world’s no. 1 in dispersion testing, earning the trust of tier-1 customers globally. Our innovation and leadership is also recognized by standards bodies such as the IEC, TIA and ITU.
As high-bandwidth deployments become more common, network topographies evolve and specific CAPEX and OPEX challenges arise. Thanks to time-proven expertise, EXFO is in a unique position to deliver dispersion test solutions that address your reality.
OSA analysis
Bandwidth demand keeps increasing, thanks to the growing popularity of data-hungry applications such as video-on-demand, voice-over-IP (VoIP) and videoconferencing. Service providers therefore need to deploy faster, more reliable networks, using novel technologies such as reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers (ROADM) or 40G networks.
Optical Spectrum Analyzers to Characterize CWDM and DWDM Networks
Reducing downtime in CWDM and DWDM networks calls for an accurate measurement of optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR). However, ROADM and 40 Gbit/s networks present a new and unique challenge, as the existing OSNR measurement methods yield incorrect results.
EXFO’s WDM-Aware method is the answer to this new challenge, providing reliable in-band OSNR measurement on a per-channel basis.